The following is an extended quote from a brief article on Martin Luther, proving that the use of sarcasm and satire are time-tested and proved methods of preaching against heresy and false doctrine.
In 1517, Luther posted his famous 95 Theses, attacking abuses in the sale of indulgences. A full twenty-five years later, and only four years before he died, Luther wrote against this practice again, this time with wit.
In 1542, a pamphlet entitled New Newspaper from the Rhine appeared in Halle. The anonymous author alerted the public to the transfer of Archbishop Albrecht of
Mainz’s collection of relics from Halle to Mainz, where they would be exhibited at St. Martin’s Church and, if solemnly viewed, would grant an indulgence….
In addition, newly discovered relics would be exhibited, with a special indulgence offered by Pope Paul lilt The new relics included:
1. A nice section from Moses’ left horn (Exod. 34:29, Vulgate: “his face was horned from the conversation with the Lord”);
2. Three flames from the burning bush on Mount Sinai (Exod. 3 :3);
3. Two feathers and an egg from the Holy Spirit;
4. A remnant from the flag with which Christ opened hell;
5. A large lock of Beelzebub’s beard, stuck on the same flag;
6. One-half of the archangel Gabriel’s wing;
7. A whole pound of the wind; which roared by Elijah in the cave on Mount Horeb (1
Kings 19:11 );
8. Two ells (about ninety inches) of sound from the trumpets on Mount Sinai (Exod. 19:16);
9. Thirty blasts from the trumpets on Mount Sinai;
10. A large, heavy piece of the shout with which the children of Israel tumbled the walls of Jericho (Josh. 6:20);
11. Five, nice, shiny strings from David’s harp;
12. Three beautiful locks of Absolom’s hair, which got caught in the oak and left him hanging (2 Sam. 18:9).
The author concluded by sharing a tip he had receives from a friend in high places: Archbishop Albrecht had willed a trifle of his pious, loyal heart, and a whole section of his truthful tongue to the existing collection. Whoever paid one guiler at the exhibition would receive a papal indulgence remitting all sins committed up to the time of payment and for ten more years, thus giving the people of the Rhineland a unique opportunity to attain a special state of grace.
The author was Martin Luther, of course. He revealed his identity after the pamphlet had been widely circulated. The old issue of indulgences had once more cropped up, and his way of annoying Archbishop Albrecht, the most notorious advocate of the indulgences traffic, one more time.
Taken from TWO FEATHERS FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT? , By: Gritsch, Eric W., Christian History, 08919666, 1993, Vol. 12, Issue 3